Would I love you to read my monologues? Absolutely.
AUDITIONS: Would it be cool if you found the perfect monologue for your audition? Very cool. You have my permission to use my monologues for auditions free of royalty…Just be sure to credit me.
PERFORMANCES: Would it be cool if you found the perfect monologue for your show? Again…Very cool. Email me at [email protected] with information about your show and I’ll very likely give you permission via email and very likely it will be royalty free.

Bath Time (Monologue) – A daughter caring for her aging mother is surprised by the reason for her Mom’s tears. LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

Did You Know I Was Raped? (Monologue) – Rachel shares a difficult memory of being raped. (from the play “The Morning After”) LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

The Talk (Monologue) – Oh God. I think my parents are about to give me “the” talk. How humiliating. Or maybe it’s something else? God. I’m 17! Don’t I have enough to deal with already? LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

I’m Pregnant…Again (Monologue) – Laura struggles with mental illness, a controlling husband, and another pregnancy while trying to cope with the children she already has. (from the play “The Suicide Table”) LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

You Don’t Remember Me, Do You? (Monologue) – After years of searching, a grandmother finds her young granddaughter and removes her from a terrible situation. (from the play “The Suicide Table”) LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

Invisible Fingers (Monologue) – Kelvin, a homeless Vietnam vet suffering from PTSD, recounts what he’s lost. (from the play “The Suicide Table”) LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

A Need for Speed…Dating (Monologue) – 10 seconds is more than enough for this frustrated young woman to see who’s NOT her type. LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

Where Were You? (Monologue) – A young woman’s alcoholic mother dies and she meets her father for the first time. She always believed he was dead and now struggles with the new reality that he just never showed up. LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

The Knowing (Monologue) – A war vet shares his deepest fears about living in the here and now. LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

I’m What? (Monologue) – A young adult is finally told the truth: Adoption! This explains so much! LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

Cologne, Refrigerator Magnets, and Self-Gratification: Tools for The Recently Divorced (Monologue) – A recently divorced woman with few dating prospects shares her secrets on satisfaction. LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT

Two Weeks (Monologue) – A boy in a (video) war-zone finds out the guns and bombs are the least of his worries. LEARN MORE or ACCESS SCRIPT