I’ve always loved writing but never considered sharing my work with the world until I began writing for the stage. I’ve been so lucky to have success with playwriting, and will continue to make theatre, but wanted to try my hand at fiction as well.

Would I love you to read my works of fiction? Absolutely! Do you know a publisher that might be interested in reading? Very cool. Shoot me an email and let’s get the conversation started. [email protected]

And a big thank you to those of you who’ve always been supportive of my passion. You know who you are. <3

A Little Spit Goes a Long Way (Short Story): Yearning for truth. Wanting to belong. Finding that genetic family you’ve always been dreaming about can be devastating or rewarding…or both. ACCESS MANUSCRIPT

Gone (Short Story): You know that feeling when you’re waking up but you can’t move and you can see your body and you’re worried you might run into your dead mother and you can hear your estranged daughter crying? No? Just me I guess. ACCESS MANUSCRIPT

Dust, Rust, and No Charge for Family (Short Story): She’s traveled across country to meet a sister she’d never known, at a diner she’d never patronized, in a state where the dust is thick as dirt. ACCESS MANUSCRIPT